• AIC Central Offices, Upper Hill Rd next to British Council
  • (+254) (20) 8000474


The overall project objective is to break the recurrent cycle of food insecurity in Nasinyono, Turkana County. To achieve this, the project focuses on two pillars: increasing food production and preventing moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) with locally grown food. The project also supports good governance through the strengthening of local structures like the Ministry of Agriculture to enhance commitment and ownership of the project, which will be key to sustainable production growth. Empowering adolescent girls and young mothers through training serves as the pivotal force in breaking the cycle of food crises sustainably. They become catalysts for change, wielding their positive influence among peers and shaping the foundations for future generations. This project recognizes the significance of social dynamics and intergenerational aspects as pivotal factors in achieving the desired transformative effects.


Project Performance,

During the year 2023, significant progress was made in increasing and diversifying agricultural production.
This included: Ploughing a 272-acre farm, distributing seeds to farmers who later did the planting in collaboration with the project team and county government department of Agriculture. Construction of a water pan for irrigation, elevated water tanks, drip irrigation systems, fencing, cattle troughs and a canal linking the water pan to the river as a water source. 2 mills were continuously serviced to enhance their use by the community.

The project also prioritized coaching an ongoing support for farmers on sustainable agricultural practices. Efforts to ensure access to safe and clean water included the ongoing installation of a reverse osmosis system. Completion of 33 operational latrines by the end of the year. Training for Mother-to-Mother support groups in infant and young child practices, conducted monthly.


Training sessions were carried out for farmers' cooperatives, focusing on leadership, group dynamics, and governance to bolster sustainability. Training sessions for adolescent girls and young women on the "Make Me a Change Agent" program, empowering them to disseminate the lessons learned to other community members and make a positive impact. Distribution of dignity kits to girls in the project area was carried out. Post-distribution monitoring revealed that the dignity kits had a significant impact, as beneficiaries expressed high satisfaction and reported improvements in hygiene, self-esteem, and confidence.